Our Courses:
- General integration course (amount : 660 hours)
- Integration course including literacy skills (amount : 960 hours)
- Integration course for parents (amount : 960 hours)
- Intensive course (amount : 430 hours)
- Repetition course (amount : 300 hours)
- B2-course with professional orientation
- Evening classes
- Course to improve literacy skills for immigrants funded by European Social Fund (ESF)
- “German test for immigrants" (DTZ) language examination
- “Life in Germany” test
For further information about integration courses see the following website:
The majority of our courses can be funded by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), the European Social Fund (ESF) or Federal Employment Office. We can assist with the application procedure.
If you attend a course funded by Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) or ESF travel expenses can be reimbursed under certain conditions.
Course hours:
There are full-time and part-time courses available. Depending on the course type flexible course hours are also possible.
Contact for further information:
Angerstraße 40:
Monday to Friday 8:30 am - 3:00 pm
Mrs. Caroline Hennig / Mrs. Hannah Zoglowek
Telephone: 0341/98994825
Please visit us for your personal consultation!